Humour Medecin Patient
The appropriate use of humour is a valuable asset in nursing practice. From hilariously misinformed patients to doctors with a wickedly dry sense of humor we at bored panda had compiled a list of short stories when doctor patient interactions were just too funny.
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Patient has left her white blood cells at another hospital. 1 faculty of health and life sciences de montfort university leicester. Un médecin a envers ses patients une responsabilité très étendue. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in. Finkel is doing very well.Using humour to enhance the nurse patient relationship. This is a collection of funny one liners exactly as typed by medical secretaries. She s sarah finkel in room 302 he said oh yes. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year. So check our anthology of the most awkward questions by patients brittle humored doctors and hilarious nurses who also have plenty of funny stories.
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